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Dr. Mike’s best friend from medical school arrives for a visit. Having not seen each other for 10 years, there is plenty for the two to catch up on—including their old med school rivalry. However, it soon comes to light that Miriam Tillson (or as we like to call her, Tilly) has been concealing the truth from Michaela when she reveals that she hasn’t practiced medicine since she got married.
In this episode, we discuss so much, including:
- the competitive dynamic between Dr. Mike and Tilly
- one of Cloud Dancing’s most hilarious moments of the series
- whether or not we could have stayed friends with Tilly and so much more!
Join Mark and Kelly as we discuss this fun episode!
Guess what?!
Kelly has her own Etsy store where you can find tons of amazing handcrafted items with a focus on Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman and more! – please take a look!