Permanence of Change

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What happens when the Reverend needs his wisdom teeth removed and can’t teach for a few days? Dr. Mike steps in to teach! Thankfully no major medical emergencies occur during this week because Mike is far too busy ignoring the children’s actual homework in favor of teaching evolution. The town is in an uproar and Michaela doubles down. When MaryAnn Daggert is being neglected by her guardian, Michaela devises a plan that will take MaryAnn out of his care—provided she can convince the town council.
- Is Michaela a good substitute teacher, or is she neglectful of the assignments the Reverend left?
- How does Brian eat that huge sandwich?
- How sad is it that poor MaryAnn has never slept in a bed before?
Join Kelly and Mark as they explore this crazy episode!
Guess what?!
Kelly has her own Etsy store where you can find tons of amazing handcrafted items with a focus on Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman and more! – please take a look!
I get up every morning at 6am to watch Dr Mike. I also watch it at 7am. I m watching it now on prime video. It’s my favorite TV show. I never get tired of watching it.