A New Life

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Dr. Mike and Sully return from their honeymoon and see that their new life together isn’t the only change in Colorado Springs. While they try to get used to each other, Preston, another Bostonian transplant, opens a bank and the town finally gets a clock! He’s talking people into loans and chopping down the kissing tree and nothing will stop him—not even axing Matthew in the leg. Meanwhile, Cloud Dancing has a difficult time getting used to his new post-Washita reality.
- Is the town unfair to Preston just because he is a banker?
- Is Michaela blind to how many of Preston’s personality traits she herself possesses?
- Is Sully too insensitive to Michaela?
Join Mark and Kelly as they explore this fun episode!
Guess what?!
Kelly has her own Etsy store where you can find tons of amazing handcrafted items with a focus on Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman and more! – please take a look!
Love love love love Dr.Quinn
Thank you for posting Tatiana!
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