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Colleen’s imagination has been primed from reading romance stories, so when Sully saves her from being run over by a wagon, the answer is clear to her: Sully must be in love with her! Meanwhile, Hank drives business away from Grace’s Café as he accuses her food of making him ill.
In this episode, we discuss so much, including:
the niceness of the Lewis character
how Colleen recovers from this ultimate cringeworthy episode way too quickly
Hank’s terrible treatment of Grace and the dymanics of Grace and Robert E.’s developing relationship through it all
Join Mark and Kelly as they explore this and so much more in this all around cringy but entertaining episode!
Guess what?!
Kelly has her own Etsy store where you can find tons of amazing handcrafted items with a focus on Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman and more! – please take a look!